This Sunday: “Even the Wind and the Sea Obey Him”

Sunday, 27 March - 9:30am

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The disciples once found themselves in the midst of a terrible storm, out on the water in a little boat. The boat was sinking and they thought they were going to die until Jesus stood up and rebuked the wind and the sea and suddenly there was calm. This Sunday we will reflect on this story and what it can teach us about how the Lord can help us to find peace in the midst of the storms that we encounter in our lives.

The service will be broadcast live at You can also watch the service later at that same link.

  • Song Lyrics
    We will have four songs during the service that you can sing along with at home. You can download the lyrics to the songs here.
  • Readings
    The readings for the service can be found here.
  • Sermon
    The written version of the sermon can be found here.
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