This Sunday: The Risks of Entering the Promised Land

After a long journey out of slavery in Egypt, through the wilderness, the Children of Israel arrived at the edge of the promised land. And they chose not to go in. They said that they would, in fact, rather turn around and go back to slavery in Egypt! Why would they do something so absurd?…

This Sunday: Do you want to be made well?

This Sunday (being the first Sunday of the month) is an evening service at 5pm. The adult talk will be about the story of the man at the pool of Bethesda who is asked by Jesus, “Do you want to be made well?”

What Would Love Do?

Overview We know love is important. We understand at a fundamental level that we should treat each other with kindness and respect. But how we show this love is not always clear. Certainly there are many people around us who have needs, but how do we know where to put our efforts? What Would Love…

This Sunday: The Word Made Flesh

From eternity to eternity, God is unchanging. And yet, at a specific point in time, God broke into creation in a radical new way. The God of the universe took on a body of flesh and was born into the world. But what does that mean for us here and now? To put it another…

This Sunday: Understanding John 3:16

John 3:16 is a key text for a lot of Christians in understanding why Jesus was born in the world. It says, “For God so loved the world, that He gave His Only-begotten Son,  that everyone who believes in Him should not perish, but have eternal life.” But how do we understand what is meant…

This Sunday – Carol Sing and Social Supper

This year the Carol Sing will be slightly different. On Sunday 7 December we will have a shorter 5pm church service followed by the Carol Sing in the hall. We are very fortunate to have Cheryl and Martin from Connecting Stars as well as Liz and Les play for us. A casual 2 course meal…

This Sunday: Do Not Resist Evil – Worthlessness

“You’re absolutely worthless!” “I’m a useless piece of…” Do you ever hear these words–from other people or inside your own head? Are they true? Are you worthless? Or think about it the other way: if you are not worthless, why do you have worth? What makes you worthy? It’s tricky to sort out. And dealing…

This Sunday: Do Not Resist Evil: Fear

What do you worry about? What are you scared of doing? How does fear or anxiety affect your behaviour and relationships? We all have to deal with fears of various kinds and, if we don’t deal with them appropriately, they can lead us to all sorts of unhealthy and dysfunctional behaviours. But, as we’ve already…

This Sunday: Do Not Resist Evil: Guilt Good and Bad

When we are attacked by feelings of doubt, guilt, fear, or worthlessness, we often try (and fail) to simply push those feelings away. But there is another way: instead of resisting these things, we can take what is valuable from them, and let the rest pass us by. This week, the second in a four-part…

This Sunday: How to Live Gratefully

Last Sunday we talked about the need for gratitude in our lives and the difference it can make. This week we’re going to dig into how to practice gratitude. What habits and practices can we put into our lives so that we live every day gratefully?