This Sunday: God Made Flesh

Sunday, 26 November - 9am

At Christmas we celebrate the birth of the Lord into our world, as a Divine Human with whom we can have a real, direct relationship. In the Holy Supper, we also celebrate the closeness of the Lord, not just nearby but within us. Both events, the incarnation of the Lord 2000 years ago and partaking of Holy Supper in the present day, speak to the Lord’s tangible presence in our lives.

The service will be broadcast live at You can also watch the service later at that same link.

  • Sermon
    The written version of the sermon and readings can be found here on Sunday.
  • Readings
    Readings from the Old and New Testaments and the Teachings of the New Church can be found here.

This Sunday: The Lord Won’t Let You Down

Sunday, 19 November - 9am

The life of David is one of courage and trust in the Lord. Yet even David, as king, fell away from the right path. It turns out that heroes can never quite live up to our hopes and expectations. The same is true of life: we build up hopes and expectations, but then feel let down when they don’t turn out. The Lord, however is different: He will never let us down; His promises always come to pass, and they turn out to exceed our hopes and expectations.

The service will be broadcast live at You can also watch the service later at that same link.

  • Sermon
    The written version of the sermon and readings can be found here.

This Sunday: Choosing Sides

Sunday, 12 November - 9am

Life seems to be full of complicated choices, and the world we live in can often seem so confusing. Yet, the Lord in His Word is continually urging us to make the right choice to follow Him. Why does this many times become so hard for us to do? Clearly this choice is wise, but why isn’t making this choice easy?

The service will be broadcast live at You can also watch the service later at that same link.

  • Sermon
    The written version of the sermon and readings can be found here on Sunday.
  • Readings
    Readings from the Old and New Testaments and the Teachings of the New Church can be found here on Sunday.

This Sunday: The Woman at the Well

Sunday, 5 November - 5pm

Do you seek the Lord on a regular basis? Are you eager to share with others the things you have learned from Him? The story of the woman at the well provides a wonderful example of how we can go about doing these two very important things!

The service will be broadcast live at You can also watch the service later at that same link.

  • Sermon
    The written version of the sermon and readings can be found here on Sunday.
  • Readings
    Readings from the Old and New Testaments and the Teachings of the New Church can be found here on Sunday.

This Sunday: Hope

Sunday, 29 October - 9am

Even in the darkest of times, there is light. And where there is light, there is hope.

The service will be broadcast live at You can also watch the service later at that same link.

  • Sermon
    The written version of the sermon and readings can be found here on Sunday.

This Sunday: Where Did We Go Wrong?!

Sunday, 22 October

Have you ever found yourself in a bad place and wondered how on earth you got into this mess? Things were once so great! Life was sailing along smoothly and you were proud of how much growth you’d seen in yourself. Yet here you are, back to your crabby, unhappy, selfish self. What went wrong? This pattern is common not just in individuals but in communities and even across history. Luckily, it does not happen by chance. This Sunday we’ll look what Revelation can tell us about this cycle and how we can avoid it.

The service will be broadcast live at You can also watch the service later at that same link.

  • Sermon
    The written version of the sermon and readings can be found here.

This Sunday: Gratitude for the Work of Others

Sunday, 15 October - 9am

We have a lot to be thankful to the Lord for. He is the source of each and every good in our lives. But this Sunday we will focus on one particular aspect of what the Lord provides; or rather, the means by which He provides. That means in other people: so much of what the Lord gives us comes by way of the people He inspires to serve and to do good. This Sunday we will reflect on how we can feel and show gratitude for the many people through whom the Lord works.

The service will be broadcast live at You can also watch the service later at that same link.

  • Sermon
    The written version of the sermon and readings can be found here.
  • Readings
    Readings from the Old and New Testaments and the Teachings of the New Church can be found here on Sunday.

This Sunday – Expanding Our View of Forgiveness

Sunday 8 October - 9am

How far does forgiveness extend? At what point do we withhold forgiveness? The Lord pushes us to expand our forgiveness to include even those we think are least deserving. We see this expansive forgiveness in the tale of the prophet Jonah: the contrast between his resentment and God’s forgiveness teaches us a lesson in just how far God wants us to take forgiveness

The service will be broadcast live at You can also watch the service later at that same link.

  • Sermon
    The written version of the sermon and readings can be found here.
  • Readings
    Readings from the Old and New Testaments and the Teachings of the New Church can be found here.

This Sunday: Am I Enough?

Sunday, 1 October - 5pm

We are bombarded with messages that we need to do more, give more, be more. Whether these messages are overt and intended or subtle and implied, they push us to ask ourselves, “am I enough?” Am I enough for my children? Am I enough for my spouse? Am I enough for my work? Am I enough for my society? And above all, am I enough for the Lord? The bad news is that we are all lacking; the good news is even in our lack we are enough in the Lord’s eyes.

The service will be broadcast live at You can also watch the service later at that same link.

  • Sermon
    The written version of the sermon and readings can be found here
  • Readings
    Readings from the Old and New Testaments and the Teachings of the New Church can be found here

This Sunday: Unified in the Lord

Sunday, 24 September - 9am

What makes someone your neighbour? In a literal sense it refers to people who live close by. But when the Lord said to “love your neighbour as yourself” He was most certainly not saying to love people next door. Spiritually speaking our neighbours are the ones who are close to us spiritually; and regardless of our individual backgrounds and cultures, all of us are brought together into this spiritual closeness when we look to the Lord.

The service will be broadcast live at You can also watch the service later at that same link.

  • Sermon
    The written version of the sermon and readings can be found  here.
  • Readings
    Readings from the Old and New Testaments and the Teachings of the New Church can be found here on Sunday.