This Sunday: Carol Sing, Good News to All People!

Sunday, 8 December - 4:30pm

To kick off our Carol Sing we will begin with a worship service in the church for the whole family. The news of Christmas was not just for a few people, but for all people, no matter who or where or when. Although “all people” covers a lot of diversity, we are all united when we come to the Lord together. We get a taste of this when we sing joyfully about the Lord together: all our individual voices are joined into one voice, united in our common love for the Lord.

There will be no morning service.

The service will be broadcast live at You can also watch the service later at that same link.

  • Sermon
    The written version of the sermon can be found here.
  • Readings
    The readings from the Word can be found here.

This Sunday: The Word Became Flesh

Sunday, 1 December - 9am

In two of the Gospels the Christmas story is told in the familiar way: Jesus was born to a virgin, Mary, born in Bethlehem, and visited by Shepherds and Wise Men. Yet the Gospel of John tells the same story in a far more enigmatic way:
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God…. And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us.(John 1:1, 14)

What was this “Word”? And what does it mean for it to have become “Flesh?” These details tells us something important about the Lord’s coming into the World, and even about how we still relate to Him today.

The service will be broadcast live at You can also watch the service later at that same link.

  • Sermon
    The written version of the sermon can be found here.
  • Readings
    The readings from the Word can be found here.

This Sunday: Abundance and Famine, Part 2: Persevere

Sunday 24 November, 9am

Hard times will come, no matter how prepared we might be. We cannot avoid them. What we can do is put our preparation to use, so that we can persevere through the hard times. In fact, through this perseverance we are strengthened in both love and wisdom, and may come out the other side better people. Even if we feel that we are inadequately prepared for the challenge, the Lord always provides what we need in order to get through it.

The service will be broadcast live at You can also watch the service later at that same link.

  • Sermon
    The written version of the sermon can be found here.
  • Readings
    The readings from the Word can be found here.

This Sunday: Abundance and Famine, Part 1: Prepare

Sunday, 17 November - 9am

We have a tendency to think that whatever we are going through right now is how things will always be. But whether you are going through a time of blessings or of hardship, this too shall pass. In this two part series we will look at how we can prepare for hardship in the good times, and persevere through hardships to get back to the good times.

The service will be broadcast live at You can also watch the service later at that same link.

  • Sermon
    The written version of the sermon can be found here.

This Sunday: True Freedom

Sunday, 10 November - 9am

In the western world we tend to value individuality above almost anything else. The freedom of the individual is sacrosanct. The Lord also values individual freedom. Without the freedom to make personal choices we would not be able to choose heaven over hell. Yet that does not mean that all freedom is equal: one kind of individual freedom leads to hellish anarchy while the other leads to heavenly order. If we want to follow the Lord, we need to spend time distinguishing between the two.

The service will be broadcast live at You can also watch the service later at that same link.

  • Sermon
    The written version of the sermon can be found here.
  • Readings
    The readings from the Word can be found here.

This Sunday: What is at the Door?

Sunday, 3 November - 9am

Right at the door, right at the passage from our homes out into the world, lies a choice. It is a good choice!  A choice we get to make every single day.   Join us as we look at what is at the door or maybe, who is at the door.

The service will be broadcast live at You can also watch the service later at that same link.

  • Sermon
    The written version of the sermon can be found here on Sunday.
  • Readings
    The readings from the Word can be found here on Sunday.

This Sunday: Picking and Choosing

Sunday, 27 October - 9am

We all want to be good: but how do we decide which good things to do? No matter how much we do, there is always more to be done. When faced with just how many needs there are in the world we can become overwhelmed. We cannot possibly do it all. In order to be good we have to constantly make a judgment call about what good things we will do, and just as importantly, what good things we will not do. We’ll talk about how to make those choices this Sunday.

The service will be broadcast live at You can also watch the service later at that same link.

  • Sermon
    The written version of the sermon can be found here.
  • Readings
    The readings from the Word can be found here.

This Sunday: Being Fed by Ravens

Sunday, 20 October, 9am

Our Story is about a Raven sent to feed Elijah. Why a Raven? This bird is a scavenger. It feeds on dead creatures/carrion. Yet today, it is a choice bird that the LORD uses to take care of Elijah. Is there more to the story than meets the eye?

The service will be broadcast live at You can also watch the service later at that same link.

  • Sermon
    The written version of the sermon can be found here on Sunday.
  • Readings
    The readings from the Word can be found here on Sunday.

This Sunday: Water into Wine

Sunday, 13 October - 9am

In the Gospel of John, Jesus’ first miracle consists of turning water into wine. While this miracle is powerful in it’s own right, it also represents a spiritual process that we all must go through: just as Jesus turned simple water into good quality wine, the Lord can transform the basic ideas we know into a way of life. What were once simple truths can become the good habits that lead to heaven.

The service will be broadcast live at You can also watch the service later at that same link.

  • Sermon
    The written version of the sermon can be found here.
  • Readings
    The readings from the Word can be found here.

This Sunday: Are You a Pessimist or an Optimist?

Sunday, 6 October - 9am

Are optimists better than pessimists? Are pessimists just realistic while optimists are naive? What about the Lord? Is He optimistic about our potential, or does He bemoan the woeful nature of humanity? We have those two broad categories of people that conflict with each other. And at times they may be useful. But this Sunday we will look a little beyond these two categories to try to find a more spiritual view of society, humanity, and our future.

The service will be broadcast live at You can also watch the service later at that same link.

  • Sermon
    The written version of the sermon can be found here.
  • Readings
    The readings from the Word can be found here.