Use the form below to sign up for our various email lists.
Who the Different Lists Are For
- Weekly Newsletter is for anyone interested in news from New Church Westville.
- Weekly Sermon email is for those that would like to have a PDF of the sermon from Sunday emailed to them each week.
- Local Congregation News tends to only be relevant to people who live close enough to us to be able to attend services and events at New Church Westville.
Other Communication Methods
We do also use other communication methods for other things (e.g. WhatsApp groups for Men’s Bible Study and Women’s Bible Study, a Google Group for our group in Cape Town). Please email us if you would like to receive more information about how we communicate about different programs.
We will not sell or give out your contact information and you can always unsubscribe if you want to stop receiving these emails.
If you sign up for one of our lists and we don’t know you, we may contact you to find out more about why you’re interested in receiving emails from us.
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